domenica 25 settembre 2011

A long grey day

Sometimes the days seems to be longer than other days
So much longer
Some days the time seems to go slower than usual
So much slower

Somehow this grey day seem to be more grey than the other grey days

Walking in circles, waiting for the next day

Caught in the web of time, waiting for more

Colorless days passing by, longing for more

Walking in circles, waiting for the next day

Silent and slowly the day goes by, I am bored to death

Slowly and silent the evening goes by
The night arrives with promises

I won't be mourning when the morning comes

Some might think that I've lost my mind When the dawn is here I'll be free
When the dawn is here I'll be free

(Memory Garden)

venerdì 23 settembre 2011

Questi sogni

Like a pill
Like a pill these dreams
Like a pill
It's all the same, it's all the same
Accept the pain, for all who ever tried
Accept the pain, as spirits purify.

(Paradise Lost. Accept the pain.)

domenica 4 settembre 2011


Un soffio, un saluto.
Cielo basso.
Le emozioni rapiscono gli attimi.
La gioia intensa asseconda
le illusioni.
Il cuore in serenità,
Tastiera calda.
Fluisco nello scorrere
delle cose,
mai così vicini,
vetri appannati,
il salice in riva al fiume,
la scrivania,
il profumo delle mensole,
il giardino i fiori le pesche,
i ciliegi le mosche le api,
le candele le ombre sui muri.
scolpiti sugli scogli
avvolti nelle alghe,
mi guardi , dici
qui possiamo essere.

Qui saremo sempre.
saremo sempre.